Reflection #4

Final Reflection for EWC 4U

As I sit here and write my final reflection for the EWC4U course, I am reminded of all the accomplishments and setbacks I have experienced all throughout this semester. I am also reminded of all the new knowledge I have received that will help me in the future when I am writing. During the final project of the year, I chose the career Playwright. This was a good decision for me because I took drama all throughout high school so I am familiar with this career.  I enjoyed writing a little play of my own to reflect what I learned about playwrights and their work. I believe I demonstrated good dialogue and also produced good storytelling as a playwright should. I am proud of my final project and I am glad I chose Playwright as a career. My final piece was a great example of everything I learned. Not only just about being a playwright but also throughout the course.

It takes a lot of thinking and learning to create a good story. Throughout this entire course we have been told that writing is a craft and that there are so many skills in different areas of writing that are very important to develop a writer’s craft. During the course I learned so many things that developed myself as a writer. During each cycle we were educated on so many different things in writing that many may not think of on a day to day basis when they are writing. From the start we talked about self and peer editing, honouring our voices, craft and audience. We learned how to set up a blog and how a blog is a great way to showcase work we are proud of. These are all great things that helped in our future cycles like when we discussed poetry, sound, and figurative language. Then finally in our final cycle we talked about nonfiction and fiction, storytelling, the heroic cycle, plot, and character. This entire cycle gave myself great sense of writing and how much work actually goes into writing stories. I believe all these things I’ve learnt helped me achieve my goals as a writer and also helped develop my skills from the beginning to now. These skills will definitely help me in future situations in school and in life.

For the most part, my writing and consistency as a learner has been pretty good. I believe that I was very successful during this course besides having a couple incomplete things. I think for the future I will try and procrastinate less and also try not to let personal issues interfere with my schooling although sometimes it can be hard not to let things get in the way. I consider my peer editing skills fairly decent. In the start I was nervous to comment on my peers work because I was scared I might come off as rude but as the cycles went on and we rotated groups, I got much more comfortable with giving and receiving feedback. I now understand that peer and self editing is very important because it helps me be the best writer I can possibly be and I didn’t recognize that before this course. I think I have shown lots of growth from the beginning to end, as the learning cycles went on, I believe my writing prompts got stronger minus a couple of them but overall, I think this course helped me grow into a stronger writer and helped me recognize my creativity and imagination when it comes to writing.

My goals for the future is to take everything I’ve learned during this course and apply it everywhere. There are so many important aspects of writing that I have learned throughout this course and I will now be able to apply them to everything I write. Im very proud of myself for completing this course and especially proud because it is online and it took a lot of dedication and hardwork.

Also thank you Mrs. O’Callaghan for a great semester. Thank you for always supporting me, always emailing me back showing you care and also showing me you believed in my writing. You are a great teacher and I’m very grateful I got the opportunity to meet you and be taught by you.